24/12/2014 12:22

6 most Googled beauty questions in 2014

When life gives you a beauty question, just ask Google.

This is the attitude most of us have when faced with a question that needs answering.

Sure, doctors have warned of the risks associated with self-diagnosing on the internet, but that hasn't stopped you from asking your all-important beauty questions.

Ringing you into the New Year, here are six of the most Googled beauty questions of 2014 according to Refinery 29, along with the answers, of course.

How do I get rid of acne?

Acne can strike at any age.

Although treatments have improved, finding the right one can unfortunately take time.

Looking good: We're still seeking answers to our biggest beauty dilemmas online.

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Over the counter treatments include cleansers and creams which can help clear up mild cases of acne after killing bacteria but for severe cases you may need to see a doctor for an oral antibiotic.

A change in diet could also help clear up acne-affected skin.

How do I get rid of stretch marks?

If you have stretch marks, you aren't alone.

But can you actually get rid of them? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists says no (sorry).

In other bad news, weeks of applying creams and oil won't help either. Laser treatments have seen some results with stretch marks fading but it'll cost you.

The good news is, stretch marks become less visible over time.

How often should I wash my hair?

It's likely that most of you are washing your hair more than you need to.

Over-washing your hair to remove natural hair oils can sometimes have the opposite effect and cause the body to replace and produce more, causing your hair to become more oily.

Supporting the "no-poo" movement, Lucy Aitken Read went two years without washing her hair and claimed her hair was healthier, stronger and fuller.

How can I get rid of bags under my eyes?

Baggy eyes are a visible sign of how tired we are, but despite what our face is saying the show must go on.

To minimise dark circles and puffiness naturopath Annalies Corse said anything with caffeine will "reduce the fluid retention under the eye."

"... like the old tea bag trick where you apply cold tea bags to the area," she said.

Cucumber slices are great but not for puffy eyes.

"They'll soothe the eyes when they're itchy, sore or dry, but use anything with caffeine for puffiness," she said.

How can I minimise my pores?

Sadly, shrinking your pores is a myth. While pore-size is genetically determined, clogged pores can seem larger.

Factors that affect pore-size include trapped dead skin cells and sebum aka a pimple.

The secret to minimising pores is there is no secret. Simply, keep your face clean and don't squeeze anything.

How do I shape my eyebrows?

Pluck your eyebrows with caution, it's possible, if over-plucked, they won't grow back.

And, according to Cara Delevingne, "If you have nice eyebrows you literally have everything you need in life."

So how does one acquire nice eyebrows?

Visiting a professional is a good place to start; from there you can follow their line and maintain your brows at home.

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